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You Were Convenient!

I wish I could remember where I read a snippet (Twitter?) where the “tweeter” observed the silliness of parents who wonder aloud where these kids today (every generation says this) “Get the ideas and behavior they have?”  The author of the post replied, “It came from the parents, not the kids because kids know nothing in and of themselves!”

Those adults who embrace a Pro-Choice (sorry, “Pro Women’s Health Choices”) mindset and stance have, in reality, undermined their own foundation for parenting.  Every parent will face that moment when they must reiterate that they love their children and their children are valuable and important to them.  Why would this argument be undermined?

It will be difficult, hypocritical and even bordering on lying to try to convince an internet-savvy teen of this when the argument the Pro-Choice movement makes boils down to convenience.  Whether or not a baby is brought to term, delivered and allowed to live, is purely based on the whim of the parent.

Human Choice Overtakes Value & Dignity!

The culture says the baby is nothing more than a choice.  For some, the child may represent an attempt to remove a woman’s freedom, a left-over “collar” representing a patriarchal and backward chauvinism found in those radical church-goers who will not modernize their beliefs.  Of course, “modernized beliefs” would always look exactly like what society supports.

Since a child becomes a demonstration of convenience and convenience is the resultant outcome of choice, how can one choice have more value than another?  Well, if the choice is to end the life of a baby (by whatever euphemistic term currently in vogue), then yes, that choice has more value.  Yet any choice seeking to limit that one has no value.

Here we are: since the early 1970’s the self-esteem of adolescents has experienced an ever-devolving spiral.  By what means can we communicate the intrinsic value of a child when our culture screams a child is a choice, is a convenience?  As a parent struggles to convince a young girl not to have sex before marriage (oh I’m sorry, “Too early”) or a teenage boy not to try drugs because it devalues them as a person (of course, they know they have no value beyond “mom & dad’s choice”), how will parents surmount the new religion of eroticism and sexual freedom?

In this culture, a child is not a gift (that would mean there exists a Giver), the child is not made in the image of the Creator (we merely evolved) and because no child is imbued with an absolute value, our society has nothing (in and of itself) to counter the eroto-mania, death culture prevalent in our world today.

Rejecting the Truth of God doesn’t mean people have merely rejected church or a biblical morality.  Rejecting the Truth of God, which is where we learn of human worth and dignity, means that any reason for the disposal of life must be accepted.

Besides, it’s convenient.